YEMEN Press Agency

At least 300 million Saudi riyals smuggled from Aden to Jeddah Airport

ADEN, May 18 (YPA) – At least 300 million Saudi riyals were being transported monthly via Yemenia Airlines from Aden Airport to Jeddah Airport.

Sources close to the coalition-backed Aden government loyal to said that The sources reported that during the first week of May, about 73 million Saudi riyals belonging to the Agricultural Credit Bank and exchange companies were being transferred to the city of Jeddah.

The sources explained that officials and leaders of the coalition-affiliated armed factions with the got aware of the withdrawal of currencies from the Yemeni market and sending them to Saudi Arabia.

The coalition-held areas of Yemen have witnessed a frightening collapse of the local currency against foreign currencies, in which a dollar equals 1,725 riyals in Aden, which portends an exacerbation of the living crisis for Yemeni citizens in those areas.