YEMEN Press Agency

UAE carries out suspicious military movements on Yemeni island of Socotra

SOCOTRA, May 18 (YPA) – Members of the Sothern Transitional Council (STC) loyal to the UAE on the Yemeni island of Socotra have looted the camps and transported weapons to an unknown location, local sources on the island reported on Saturday.

The sources confirmed that the elements brought by the UAE to Socotra are working to transfer weapons from the camps outside the island through Socotra Airport.

According to previous information last Monday, a mini truck was seen at Socotra Airport, loaded with a quantity of weapons.

On Friday, Socotra witnessed demonstrations by dozens of citizens in the city of Hadibu, demanding their living rights. However, the STC factions attacked them and arrested a number of demonstrators.

The Yemeni island of Socotra witnesses instances of friction from time to time between Saudi forces on the one hand and forces affiliated with the UAE on the other hand.

Riyadh has recently begun to run civilian aircraft directly from Saudi airports to Stoker Airport without taking any permit from the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, a step that Riyadh deliberately took, similar to the trips carried out by the UAE, by ignoring the pro-coalition government.

Abu Dhabi is also working to erase the Yemeni identity of Socotra Island and try to separate it from the Yemeni motherland.

Since the pro-UAE factions took control of Socotra Island in July 2020, Abu Dhabi has worked to facilitate the construction of air bases and military intelligence centers for “Israel” and American forces in the Socotra Archipelago.