YEMEN Press Agency

Partly cloudy atmosphere expected in various areas of Yemen

SANAA, Feb. 20 (YPA) – A partly cloudy atmosphere will be expected with the possibility of light rain on parts of the western and southern coasts, the National Center of Meteorology and Early Warning said.

In its weather beltline on Tuesday, the center pointed out that the weather in the mountain highlands is relatively cold in the provinces of Amran, Sanaa, Dhamar and Bayda, with the possibility of fog forming on parts of the highlands of Hajjah, Mahweet, Rayma, Dhamar, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj and Abyan.

It indicated in its expected weather bulletin today, Tuesday, that the winds will be moderate to active, with speeds ranging between 10 to 20 knots on the south of the western coast, and the entrance to Bab al-Mandab and the west of the Gulf of Aden, in addition to moderate speeds on the Socotra Archipelago.

The center warned citizens in areas expected to rain to be careful and not to be in the valleys and the water cannels.