YEMEN Press Agency

Children killed in Lahj explosion

LAHJ, Feb. 12 (YPA) – About three children were killed and two others seriously injured on Monday in an unknown explosion in Tuban district of Lahj province, which is under the control of UAE-backed factions.

Local sources in the district reported that children in the Al-Fayoush village burned trees near a farm in the Al-Mashqaqa area, noting that the burning fire led to the explosion of a foreign object.

The sources reported that the children were transferred to a hospital in the city of Al-Houta, the provincial capital of Lahj, to receive treatment, suggesting that the explosion may had been likely caused by an explosive device or a hand grenade that was at the scene of the incident.

The incident caused a state of panic and fear among the people of the region without revealing the nature of the explosion.