YEMEN Press Agency

Ansarallah’s Political Bureau condemns Kerman bombings in Iran

SANAA, Jan. 03 (YPA) – The Political Bureau of Ansarallah condemned on Wednesday the recent bombings in Kerman, Iran, which targeted visitors to the martyr Commander Qassem Soleimani’s shrine, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries.

In a statement issued today, the bureau expressed condolences to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s leadership, government, and people, as well as the families of the victims.

The statement emphasized that the attack represents an extension of all crimes that attempted to undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran, its role in confronting global arrogance, its adoption of the nation’s central cause, and its support for resistance forces in Palestine and Lebanon.

The bureau also affirmed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is stronger than all conspiracies and that attempts by America and the Zionist entity to destabilize Iran’s security would fail.