YEMEN Press Agency

Local Administration Ministry in Sanaa holds vigil in support of military operations against Zionist enemy

SANAA, Dec. 18 (YPA) – The Yemeni Ministry of Local Administration in Sanaa held on Sunday a vigil to support the Yemeni armed forces’ operations against the Zionist enemy, in response to the continued crimes of the Zionist enemy against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

A statement issued during the vigil confirmed the support of the Ministry and local authority agencies for these operations, including the recent military operations on sensitive targets in the Umm al-Rashrash area in southern occupied Palestine with a large batch of drones and targeting two naval ships bound for the usurping Zionist enemy.

The statement renewed the ministry’s solidarity with the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen in their struggle against the Zionist entity, calling for the continuation of military operations if the Zionist enemy and America continue to commit crimes against the Palestinian people.

The statement condemned the support provided by some Arab regimes to the occupying Israeli enemy and called for free peoples to advocate for Al-Aqsa Mosque and Islamic holy sites. It also affirmed the right of the Palestinian people and Muslims to defend themselves and their sanctities until the occupation is defeated and removed from all Palestinian lands.