YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Qassam Brigades destroy 28 Zionist vehicles in Gaza during past 24 hours

GAZA, Dec. 04 (YPA) – Over the last 24 hours, Al-Qassam Brigades managed to completely or partially destroy 28 Zionist military vehicles in all the combat fronts in the Gaza Strip, Abu Obeida, the military spokesperson for Al-Qassam Brigades said in a statement this evening.

Abu Obeida explained that Al-Qassam fighters targeted the infiltrating Zionist forces at their bases and positions with anti-fortification shells and anti-personnel explosives, engaged them at close range, and confirmed deaths among them.

They also bombarded the military gatherings with heavy-caliber mortar shells and directed intense rocket barrages towards various targets at different ranges inside the Zionist entity, he added.