YEMEN Press Agency

Russia: US and its allies have stopped fighting against ISIS in Syria

WORLD, Nov. 29 (YPA) – Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya, confirmed that the US and its allies have effectively stopped combating the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda terror groups (both outlawed in Russia) in Syria.

“Regional interventions of the Western countries carried out under the pretext of the alleged fight with terrorism, continue to play an extremely destabilizing role. This is the slogan that the US and its allies used to justify their presence in Syria since 2014,” Nebenzya said during the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Arab Republic.

He added, “The Westerners have effectively abandoned their fight with the Islamic State and the Al-Qaeda, and have long resorted to using the militants, whom they have themselves nourished, exclusively in their own interest, including for sabotage against Syrian governmental forces.”

Earlier, two Syrian soldiers were wounded in mortar shelling by armed groups on Syrian army positions in Idlib province.

The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said that “two Syrian soldiers were injured as a result of mortar shelling on the positions of the Syrian government forces in Idlib province by illegal armed groups.”