YEMEN Press Agency

6 Palestinian citizens killed in Israeli bombing at Balata camp in Nablus, clashes in Tubas

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Nov. 18 (YPA) – 5 Palestinian citizens were killed in the shelling of the Israeli occupation on the Balata camp, east of the West Bank city of Nablus, on Saturday night, while a young man was killed and two others were injured by Israeli bullets in Tubas.

This brought the number of martyrs who have been martyred in the West Bank over the past 24 hours to 13.

The Palestinian Red Crescent announced on Saturday that at least 5 people injured seriously and they were transferred to Rafidia hospital due to an explosion in the Balata camp east of Nablus then doctors announced the martyrdom of the five citizens.

In Tubas, a young man was killed and two others were injured during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces in the city of Tubas.