YEMEN Press Agency

Natural resources expert reveals fate of $5 million from daily revenues of Safer Oil Facility

MARIB, Nov. 10 (YPA) – The amount of daily revenues looted by Islah Party leaders from the Safer oil and gas facility in Marib governorate, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition forces, eastern Yemen, a natural resources expert said.

Eng. Abdul Ghani Jaghman, the oil geological expert and consultant in the development of natural resources, confirmed that the daily revenues from oil and gas exceed $ 5 million per day.

Jaghman explained that these revenues go into the account of the authorities affiliated with the Islah party, “Sultan al-Arada”, according to international reports.

He pointed out that the oil and gas wealth of the Yemeni people is being systematically looted and destroyed in all of Yemen’s oil fields.