YEMEN Press Agency

“Al-Sabiha” tribes re-mobilize their fighters near Bab al-Mandab

LAHJA, Sept. 08 (YPA) – Al-Sabiha tribes of Lahj province, southern Yemen, have resumed their armed mobilizations in the areas adjacent to the strategic Bab al-Mandab Strait.

The Al-Sabiha mobilizations began last Monday, coinciding with the uprising of an armed tribe in the Al-Waziyah District, west of Taiz province, against the UAE-funded forces led by Tariq Saleh, member of the “Presidential Leadership Council” established by the Saudi-led coalition.

The Al-Sabiha tribes, the largest Lahj tribe, have re-deployed with large weapons and equipment to regain control over the area overlooking Bab al-Mandab, according to tribal sources.

The sources pointed out that Saudi-Qatari coordination is underway to pit tribes in Yemen’s southwestern triangle against UAE-aligned factions and expel them from Bab al-Mandab.