YEMEN Press Agency

Teachers’ protest march roams through Taiz streets

TAIZ, Sept. 08 (YPA) -Thousands of teachers in Yemen’s southwestern province of Taiz staged on Thursday carried a mass protest and march that roamed the streets of the city to the headquarters of the local authority of the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.

The protest came in response to Teachers’ Syndicate’s call to demonstrate to obtain the fair rights of the teachers, after their living standards decreased due to  high prices of food and the collapse of the local  currency.

In a statement, the protesters demanded the payment of salaries of teachers in Taiz governorate, which is overdue to the government since 2016-2017, which is (8 and a half months), as well as increasing the minimum wage and salaries equal to (100) dollars and reforming the wage and salary scale in proportion to the living conditions of teachers and employees as a result of the significant and continuous deterioration in the purchasing value of the national currency.

The statement also called for the implementation of the job settlements suspended since 2012, the disbursement of annual bonuses with their differences for the years 2014-2020, which were issued with financial reinforcement from the Ministry of Finance about (13) months ago.