YEMEN Press Agency

Ansaruallah’s member mocks Saudi talk of military escalation in Marib

SANAA, Aug. 27 (YPA) – Member of the Political Bureau of Ansaruallah, Ali Al-Qahoum, has mocked the speech of the Saudi journalist and assistant editor-in-chief of “Okaz” newspaper, Abdullah Al Hatila, about a military escalation in Marib.

Al-Qahoum said in a post on “X” that “promises and intimidations will not work, reminding Al Hatila that there is nothing left of Marib province under the control of the Saudi-led coalition except the Marib district only.”

Al-Qahoum indicated that the truce and de-escalation came only for the sake of this district and to preserve those who remain in it.

He stressed that “if the drums of war beat in this district, the Saudis will not be able to catch up, and Saudi dreams will be buried there, and the horrific conspiracies against Yemen will end.”