YEMEN Press Agency

Official document exposes humanitarian crime against refugees in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug 25 (YPA) -An official document issued by the religious authorities in the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition in Shabwa governorate called for harassment of African refugees and migrants in the governorate’s capital, Ataq, considering their presence “immoral and religious corruption that undermines society.”

The Awqaf office, which is supervised by extremist groups affiliated with the UAE in the province, called on the leadership of local authority and security authorities on Wednesday to remove African refugees and migrants from Ataq and its outskirts,

It also called on the real estate owners not rent their houses to African refugees and impose continuous oversight over them.

Rights and humanitarian centers have accused the UAE-affiliated Shabwa authorities of inciting against African refugees and migrants on racist grounds.

The centers called on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to carry out its legal obligations to provide the necessary protection to  the refugees, in accordance with international laws.

It is worth mentioning that the document represents a flagrant violation of the 1951 Convention on Refugees, which Yemen ratified in January 1981, in addition to violating Yemeni laws that protect the rights of all human beings present on Yemeni territory without discrimination.