YEMEN Press Agency

Meteorology Center warns of rain accompanied by hail in several provinces during next 24 hours

SANAA, Aug 25 (YPA) – The National Meteorology Center expected on Friday that rains of varying intensity, accompanied by thunderstorms in a number of provinces, and hot to very hot weather in the coastal areas and deserts during the next 24 hours.

In its weather forecast, the center predicted rains of varying intensity accompanied by hail, are likely to hit parts of the governorates of Mahweet, West of Sanaa, Dhamar, Raymah, Al-Bayda, Dhalea, Ibb, Taiz and Abyan and Lahj Heights.

Scattered rains, accompanied by thunderstorms, are also expected in parts of the governorates of Saada, Hajjah, Amran, Mahweet, Shabwa, Mahra, and Hadramout, as well as parts of the western, southern and eastern coasts and the Tihama plain.

According to the center, the deserts and interior plateaus will witness hot to very hot weather, with maximum temperatures ranging between 38-42 degrees Celsius, while the coastal areas, plains and the Socotra archipelago may witness hot and humid weather, with maximum temperatures ranging between 34-38 degrees Celsius.

It also expected that very strong winds around the Socotra archipelago, ranging in speed between 15-30 knots, and active to strong winds around parts of the eastern and southern coasts,  and the entrance to Bab al-Mandeb, ranging in speed between 10-25 knots, causing turbulences over the sea.

The Center warned citizens against being in the valleys and crossing the torrential passages, as well as from thunderstorms and the decrease in horizontal visibility due to the fog.

It also called on fishermen and seagoers to take the necessary precautions against sea turbulence and high waves around the Socotra archipelago, the southern and eastern coasts, and the entrance to Bab al-Mandab.