YEMEN Press Agency

Man killed, his brother wounded in armed attack in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug 25 (YPA) – A man was killed and his brother wounded on Friday in an armed attack in Shabwa province, which is under the control of Saudi-led coalition factions, in eastern Yemen.

Local sources in the province said that “the citizen Abdul Karim Abdullah Mubarak Al-Arifi was shot dead and his brother Mabrouk was wounded in an armed attack carried out by one of their relatives working in the UAE-backed factions in the Markha area,” north of the city of Ataq, the center of the governorate.

According to the sources, a dispute with al-Arifi’s cousins caused his death.

The UAE-backed Shabwa Defense elements in the area did not lift a finger to arrest the gunmen.

It is noteworthy that the districts of Shabwa have been witnessing state of lawlessness and chaos, amid accusations by the leaders of factions affiliated with Saudi Arabia and the UAE of promoting revenges issues among tribesmen to serve foreign agendas in the oil-rich province.