YEMEN Press Agency

Clashes near Seiyun airport, leave casualties

HAHRAMOUT, Aug 25 (YPA) – Casualties have been reported, including military personnel, in clashes that erupted on Friday afternoon between armed elements on Airport Street in the city of Seiyun, Hadramout province, in eastern Yemen.

Informed sources reported that clashes broke out between security personnel and Qat sellers in the market located on Airport Street, leaving two dead in a preliminary statistic.

The cause of the clashes is still unknown.

The sources pointed out that the situation is still tense following the intervention of forces from the “First Military Region” affiliated with Islah party. Confrontations are likely to renew in the coming hours following the killing of a security member.

The clashes left a state of panic and terror among the people of the city, which has been witnessing a state of lawlessness, repeated assassinations and bombings.