YEMEN Press Agency

Citizens’ lands covered with crude oil in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 04 (YPA) – Huge quantities of crude oil covered a large area of lands in Al-Rawdah district, southeast of the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa province, local residents reported.

They affirmed that the leakage of crude oil in the Al-Ghail area from near Wadi Ghurair on Thursday, portends an environmental pollution disaster for drinking water and agricultural lands due to the dilapidated oil pipeline extending to the port of Al-Nashima on the Arabian Sea

Residents explained that local authorities ignored and disregarded the environmental pollution and did not repair the pipeline and preventing oil spillage in citizens’ lands.

The crude oil spill incident revealed the continued looting of Yemeni oil by Saudi-led coalition countries and smuggling it through the port of Al-Nashima, which is under the control of the UAE-affiliated factions, and transporting it by foreign ships that hide their data and routes at sea.