YEMEN Press Agency

Subaiha tribes storm Tariq Affash’S sites near Bab Al-Mandab

LAHJ, Aug 02 (YPA) – The Subaiha tribes stormed sites belonging to the UAE-backed military commander Tariq Affash’s recruits in Bab al-Mandab after the deadline set a few days ago by the tribes expired, local sources said on Tuesday.

According to the sources, the tribes regained the positions and expelled Tariq Affash recruits without resistance.

Sources pointed out that there is only one site near Bab al-Mandab where Affash recruits are present, and the tribes imposed a siege on it, demanding that the recruits quickly leave amicably before the tribes are forced to use force.

After being expelled from their sites, spokesman of the so-called “national resistance” affiliated with Tariq Affash said they left without resistance to avoid entering into a battle with the Subaiha tribes.