YEMEN Press Agency

Sudanese army denies bombing residential neighborhoods in Omdurman

KHARTOUM, July 10 (YPA) – The Sudanese army on Sunday denied reports about launching airstrikes in Omdurman, west of the capital Khartoum

“As part of the disinformation and continuous lies pursued by the rebel militia in an attempt to cover up its ongoing violations and crimes against civilians, it issued a statement yesterday accusing the armed forces of carrying out an air strike in Omdurman, which resulted in injury and death of civilians,” the armed forces spokesman said.

“On Sunday, the air force did not deal with any hostile targets in Omdurman,” he added.

“The Sudanese people are not fooled by these lies after it became fully clear to them the truth of this militia, which has not hesitated to kill, loot, seize citizens’ property and violate their dignity since the beginning of its ill-fated rebellion,” he elaborated