YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi calls for cancellation of 7/7 Holiday

SANA, July 10 (YPA) – Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi called on the Yemeni parliament and the Ministry of Legal Affairs in the Sanaa government to pass a law to cancel 7/7 holiday.

Al-Houthi said in a tweet on “Twitter” on Sunday evening: “ I call on the House of Representatives and the Ministry of Legal Affairs to replace the Prophet’s birthday holiday, the Thursday holiday to cancel the Saturday holiday and the 7/7 holiday.”

Al-Houthi called for amending the relevant law, noting that it has already been approved and implemented in reality.

It is noteworthy that the former regime approved July 7 of each year as an official holiday on the occasion of the victory of its forces in the summer war of 1994.