YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa accuses UN of immoral investment in suffering of Yemenis

SANAA, June 15 (YPA) – Minister of Human Rights in Sanaa government, Ali al-Dailami, accused on Wednesday the UN Security Council of the coalition’s participation in diluting the human rights of the Yemeni people.

This came during organizing a symposium to mark the passage of 3000 days of the war against Yemen.

The minister said the UN system deliberately invested immorally in the suffering of the Yemenis, and that its envoys contented themselves with useless reports and issued resolutions of “American and British content.”

“The countries of the Saudi-Emirati coalition have not yet expelled from membership in the United Nations, despite their persistence in “violating the principles of the UN Charter,” he added.

Al-Dailami pointed out that the humanitarian and relief side in Yemen has become a pressure card that the coalition countries use whenever they want, in addition link it to political conditions for the donors.

The minister pointed out that the humanitarian and relief side in Yemen has become a pressure card that the coalition countries use whenever they want, and