YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed STC prevents Shabwa sons from joining military faculty

ADEN, June 14 (YPA) – Leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have excluded the people of Shabwa province from joining the military faculty’s seats in the city of Aden, south of Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter reported that the college’s registration committee refused to accept the files of dozens of applicants from Shabwa and Abyan, while hundreds of people from Dhalea and Yafea were accepted, in a distinction described as regional.

Ali Nasser al-Yafei, a human rights activist, called for the students of Shabwa province to be given seats in the college, indicating on Twitter that the Shabwa people will go to join the “Military Faculty” in Marib affiliated with the Islah Party.

A number of Shabwa activists considered that enrollment in the “military academy” has become the preserve of the sons of the areas which the leaders of the STC militias belonging to.