YEMEN Press Agency

4 tons of expired foodstuffs destroyed in Raymah

RAYMAH, May 16 (YPA) – The industry and trade office in Raymah province destroyed on Tuesday four tons of expired foodstuffs.

During the destruction process, Hafedh al-Wahidi stressed the importance of continuing the process of monitoring and inspection of shops and markets in the governorate center and directorates.

He praised the efforts of the industry bureau in strengthening field control over markets and shops to protect consumers and follow up the supply situation of goods in all districts.

The director of the industry office in the governorate, Mohammed Al-Muntasir, explained that the materials that were destroyed were seized in the shops during the field inspection and control campaigns on the markets in the directorates.

He also pointed out that the destroyed quantities included various foodstuffs unfit for human use and pesticides contrary to official and specified specifications and prices .