YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Bukhaiti reveals dangerous dimensions of STC role in southern Yemen

SAMAA, May 16 (YPA) – Member of the Ansar Allah Political Bureau, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, said that the Southern Transitional Council (STC) does not seek to build an independent, sovereign, but rather to form a functional mini-state to serve the coalition countries.

Al-Bukhaiti recalled the statements of Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, a head of the STC, during which he stressed on more than one occasion that the STC was just a tool to strike the opponents of the coalition countries, not only in the northern province, but also in the southern provinces.

He said on Twitter neither Aidaroos, nor Hani Bin Brik, or other STC activists have the right to speak on behalf of the Yemenis and present them as tools.

Al-Bukhaiti denounced the denial of some of the STC members of the Yemeni identity steeping in history, pointing out that the great mixing and overlapping between the tribes of Yemen north and south makes Yemen a single piece of art that is impossible to fragment.