YEMEN Press Agency

STC militias demolish dozens of homes in Aden

ADEN, April 27 (YPA) – The UAE-funded Southern Transitional Council (SCT)’s militia have demolished dozens of homes in the Bir Ahmed area of Al-Buraiqa district, west of Aden city, south of Yemen.

Local sources in the city confirmed on Thursday that the militia on Emirati vehicles expelled dozens of families from their homes at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, and proceeded to demolish residential buildings in the area of Bir Ahmed, under the pretext that the land would be a site to establish the solar power plant project.

The sources stated that the militia forced families to leave their homes to spend the holidays of Eid al-Fitr in the open, indicating that their lands belonged to them have inherited for hundreds of years.

Sheikh Rashad Awad Bessi, a member of the local council in Al-Buraiqa district, said, “The demolition of homes is an injustice that no one accepts.”

“A committee has previously visited the site of the citizens’ homes and promised to raise appropriate compensation, so that they can build new homes for them,” he added, indicating that the demolition of homes without the delivery of adequate compensation and the imposition of de facto authority on dozens of poor families.