YEMEN Press Agency

Cold wave to be expended to go on in different provinces

SANAA, Feb. 21 (YPA) – The National Center of Meteorology is expected cold to very cold weather during the coming 24 hours in different provinces.

In its expected weather bulletin, the center indicated that the heights of Hajjah, Raymah, Mahweet, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwa, Hadramout, Jawf and Marib, Dhamar, Amran, Sanaa, Bayda, Saada, Dhalea and northern Ibb will be exposed to a cold wave.

It also expected that a slight gradual rise in minimum temperatures would begin during the next two days.

The center warned citizens, especially the elderly, children, patients, and workers during the night and early morning hours, of cold weather.

It also called on farmers and beekeepers to take the necessary precautions to protect their agricultural crops and properties from extreme cold and the effects of frost.