YEMEN Press Agency

Hadramout tribes respond to military threats to invade them

HADRAMOUT, Jan. 19 (YPA) – The tribes of Hadramout of Valley and Desert have  responded on Thursday officially to threats to invade them militarily.

The Hadramout Tribes Alliance, led by the first deputy of the governorate, Amr bin Habrish, issued a statement in which he voiced his support for the recruitment process and criticized the threats of bin Madi and the commander of the second military region.

The statement reviewed the role of alliance and the Hadramout Conference in keeping Hadramout strong, in addition to its roles in preserving oil facilities and confronting al-Qaeda.

Hadramout Tribes Alliance has rejected any efforts to stop the implementation of its latest statement from Seiyun in which it announced the recruitment of 10 tribal fighters from each tribe

The statement came hours after a joint statement by pro- coalition governor of Hadramout and the commander of the second military region in which they threatened to invade the oil plateau militarily in response to what he described as the process of conscription outside the official state institutions.

The latest development is pushing for an escalation between the two sides, which may force the tribes to take unilateral measures that support calls for the secession of these oil- and gas-rich areas and open the door to tribal conflicts.