YEMEN Press Agency

President Al-Mashat visits Taiz city, inspects Al-Barh front

TAIZ, Jan. 04 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, on Wednesday visited the city of Taiz and inspected fighters stationed on Al-Barh front.

During the visit, President Al-Mashat praised the role of the free sons of Taiz province in confronting “the Saudi-led aggression coalition” and supporting the fronts.

He stressed that confronting the aggression coalition, strengthening the military side and supporting the fronts is still a priority, saying “We are expecting the return of war at any time, and we are ready for it.”

President Al-Mashat affirmed that “Today, the Yemeni people derive from the fighters on the fronts patience and steadfastness to face challenges, especially aggression and siege.”