YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Ezzi expects confidence-building measures to be continued between Sanaa, Riyadh

SANAA, Oct. 13 (YPA) – Deputy Foreign Minister in Sanaa, Hussein Al-Ezzi, expected on Thursday that confidence-building measures to be continued between Sanaa and Riyadh to reach a sustainable peace.

“These mutual visits come in the context of our leadership’s keenness to ensure the success of efforts and endeavors to release prisoners from both sides,” Al-Ezzi said on Twitter.

He expressed the great hope in Sanaa for real progress in this humanitarian file, which is of interest to all.

On Wednesday, head of the prisoners’ committee in the Sanaa government, Abdel Qader Al-Mortada, revealed a Saudi delegation had arrived in Sanaa, and a delegation from Yemen had visited Saudi Arabia as part of the implementation of the first phase of the prisoner exchange agreement that was agreed upon in Jordan.