YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia transfers STC’s President to Riyadh on military plane

ADEN, Sept. 28 (YPA) – Saudi Arabia transferred the Vice-President of the Riyadh-formed “Presidential Council”, President of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, on a military plane from Aden Airport to Riyadh, informed political sources reported.

The sources confirmed that the Saudi ambassador to the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition issued a sudden and severe summons to Al-Zubaidi against the background of the problems that erupted between him and the rest of the council members.

The Saudi summons included the rest of the Council members, based on the first directive from Khalid bin Salman, after he was appointed Minister of Defense during the past hours in Saudi Arabia, according to the sources.

The sudden summoning of the presidential council members, who lead the pro-coalition militia in the southern provinces, and their transfer via a Saudi military plane to Riyadh, showed the extent of their absolute dependence and their implementation of foreign agendas against Yemen.