YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah: The operation in Jordan Valley confirms Palestinians’ determination to confront the Israeli enemy

BEIRUT, Sept. 06 (YPA) – Hezbollah congratulated the Palestinian people on the courageous resistance operation against an Israeli military bus in Jordan Valley, east of Occupied West Bank.

“The operation confirms the Palestinians’ determination to confront the Israeli enemy and repel its attacks,” Hezbollah said in a statement issued on Monday

According to the statement, the attack manifests the distinct capability of the resistance to penetrate all the fortifications of the Zionist enemy and deal a blow to it in any of the entity’s areas.

Hezbollah emphasized that Jordan Valley operation and the rest of the heroic operations carried out by the Palestinian people across the occupied territories comprise a true embodiment of the Palestinians’ belief in their firm right to resistance and determination as well as will to continue following the path of liberation till achieving the ultimate victory, God willing.

It is worth noting that several Palestinians carried out heroic operation in the Jordan Valley on Sunday, injuring at least five Israelis.