YEMEN Press Agency

Four Zionist soldiers injured in bomb attack near Ramallah

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Sept. 05 (YPA) –  At least four Zionist soldiers were injured after Palestinians opened throw a bomb at a military post near the settlement of “Ariel” north of Ramallah in the occupied Bank.

The Palestine Today news agency reported that the explosives were thrown at a post near the settlement of “Ariel” north of Ramallah, which lead to the injury of four Zionist soldiers.

Four were injured in the attack, The Jerusalem Post reported, adding that at least three of them suffered moderate-to-serious injuries, including the driver.

“Another three were lightly injured by glass shrapnel and treated at the scene before being evacuated to hospital,” the Israeli daily added.

Several Palestinians carried out the operation, Palestine’s Al-Aqsa TV reported, adding that the attackers were in two vehicles.