YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian detainee suspends hunger strike after reaching deal for his release

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Sept. 01 (YPA) -Palestinian detainee in Israeli jails, Khalil Awawda, suspended tonight his 172-day hunger strike after reaching an agreement with Israel occupation authorities to set a ceiling for his administrative detention and to be released on October 2, according to the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission.

Awawda, whose detention was suspended last week but not entirely ended which prompted him to reject it and continue with his hunger strike, will remain in hospital to recover after suffering serious deterioration on his health, according to the Palestinian Prisoner Society.

Awawda, a father of four girls, and detained since December 27 of last year after which he was slammed with administrative detention for six months, resumed his hunger strike on July 2 after suspending it earlier after 111 days of strike based on promises to release him before the occupation authority has reneged on its promise and renewed his administrative detention for four more months.