YEMEN Press Agency

Two Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation’s gunfire in West Bank

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Sept. 01 (YPA) – At least two Palestinian young men were shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces during large-scale raids carried out in several different areas of the West Bank.

The Palestinian Information Center quoted medical sources as saying that the young man, Yazan Afana killed during a Zionist military raid of Al-Bireh city in the middle of the occupied West Bank.

Afana was taken to Ramallah Consultant Hospital with critical injuries and was soon pronounced dead.

Palestinian youth Samer Mahmoud Khaled succumbed  to injuries he sustained by the Israeli occupation gunfire during a military raid of Balata camp in the city of Nablus.

Balata refugee camp witnessed violent clashes between the occupation forces and resistance fighters, during which the resistance fighters showered the Israeli occupation’s military vehicles with gunfire as they pull out of the camp. The occupation force arrested the freed prisoner, Jasser Abu Hamada.