YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Dailami denounces OHCHR’s silence towards coalition violations in Yemen south

SANAA, Aug. 31 (YPA) – Acting Minister of Human Rights, Ali Al-Dailami, deplored the silence of the United Nations and its statements regarding violations committed by the Saudi-led coalition forces against the Yemeni people in the southern provinces.

This came during his meeting on Wednesday with the representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Safir Al-Din Sayed.

During the meeting, Al-Dailami stressed the need for the United Nations and its affiliated organizations to adopt a flexible approach and to use a positive language in all tracks that serve the objectives of its humanitarian work in Yemen, in light of the country’s exposure to brutal US-backed Saudi-Emirati coalition ‘s war since 2015.

He affirmed that the declared humanitarian truce witnessing continuous violations by the coalition, which has not fulfilled its obligations, including the payment of salaries, the opening of Sanaa International Airport completely, Hodeida port, in addition to re-opening roads that are still closed in the occupied provinces, and facilitating the movement of citizens between the governorates.

For his part, the OHCHR’s official confirmed that the Commission would continue to play its role in alleviating the suffering of Yemenis and monitoring and documenting violations and crimes against Yemenis, as well as to submit this in a report to the United Nations.