YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition spy plane crashes in Lahj

LAHJ, Aug. 18 (YPA) – A military plane of the Saudi-led coalition forces crashed on Thursday in the western coast of Lahj province, southern Yemen.

There were conflicting local reports about the type of the plane, some believe that it was a coalition spy plane that exploded in the sky of Al-Mashawla area between the districts of Tur Al-Baha and Al-Mudaraba, and its wreckage was scattered in separate places.

Other sources said that the plane that exploded over the region was a helicopter, without knowing the reasons for the explosion of the plane, or the fate of its crew.

The sources indicated that the people heard a strong explosion in the sky of the area, and published pictures of its wreckage, suggesting that the spy plane was launched from one of the foreign warships in the Red Sea.