YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of employees Hadramout declare strike in PetroMasila

HADRAMOUT, July. 28 (YPA) – Dozens of workers and employees of Petromasila Oil Company, in Wadi Hadramout, called on Thursday a general strike to protest at working hard conditions in the firm.

In the rally, organized in front of the company’s headquarters in Wadi Hadramout the employees of the Oil Sector 10, they raised banners calling for improving their conditions in accordance with regulations, and as well as the occupational security and safety procedures.

They vowed to escalate if their legitimate legal demands were not carried out.

The CEO of the company, Mohammed bin Sumait, who resides in the Canadian city of Calgary, is the one who obstructs the demands of the company’s workers, without any interference by the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council and Aden government.