YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition ousts “Al-Maqdashi” as defense minister

ADEN, July. 28 (YPA) – Head of the Riyadh-run Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, issued a decision that ousted on Thursday Maj. Gen. Mohammed Al-Maqdashi from his post as the Minister of Defense in Aden government.

Sources familier with the matter said that the decision came within the coalition’s tendency to limit the influence of the Saudi-backed Islah party, which is considering Al-Maqdashi one of its top leaders and the right-hand man of General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.

Al-Alimi’s decisions, which came with Saudi-Emirati consensus, also appointed Mohsen Mohammed Hussein Al-Daari as Minister of Defense, Saeed Suleiman Barakat Al-Shammasi as Minister of Oil and Minerals, Mana Saleh Bin Yamin as Minister of Electricity and Energy, and Salem Mohammed Al-Aboudi Al-Huraizi as Minister of Public Works and Roads, in the Saudi-UAE coalition-backed Aden government.