YEMEN Press Agency

Sudan’s Foreign Minister: Army will not engage in forming a civilian government

KHARTOUM, Jul. 07 (YPA) – Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali al-Sadiq said the military would “not engage in any negotiation process to form a civilian government in the country.

” The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan have made it clear that the army intends to withdraw from the political work of the tripartite mediation sponsored by the United Nations, the African Union and IGAD,” Sadiq said Wednesday during a meeting with foreign diplomats and representatives of regional and international organizations.

“The army will not engage in any negotiating process on the selection of a civilian prime minister, or the formation of a civilian competent government,” the Sudanese official said.

“The political process will be purely civil in accordance with the formula demanded by the political forces,” he added.

“The proposed government will be responsible for formulating and implementing the state’s foreign policy, security and restoring stability in the country, addressing the living hardship and arranging elections.”