YEMEN Press Agency

Iran: Two French detainees accused of undermining national security

TEHRAN, Jul. 07 (YPA) – Iran’s Judiciary Spokesman Masoud Setayeshi has said that two French nationals that are arrested in Iran have gone under legal proceedings on charges of acting against Iran’s national security, Iranian media reported.

Masoud Setayeshi said that a special case has been filed against the two French nationals that were previously detained in the country.

The prosecution is carried out on the basis of a judicial order and Iran has initiated a legal proceeding against them, according to the spokesman.

Setayesgi added that the investigation is confidential and the two French nationals are detained temporarily while the investigation is going on.

He further explained that the two French detainees were charged with “conspiracy against Iran’s national security, adding that the individuals inside Iran who have worked with those two French nationals are being investigated as well.