YEMEN Press Agency

STC attacks Hadi’s interior minister

HADHRAMAUT, March 21 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) accused Hadi’s interior minister of carrying suspicious movements in Hadhramaut province, eastern Yemen.


In his meeting on Monday, the STC said that Hadi’s Interior Minister, Ibrahim Haydan seeks to spreads strife among the sons of the directorates of Wadi Hadhramaut and described his movements as reckless.


Haydan recruited thousands of pro-Islah elements, opened offices on behalf of his ministry in Seiyun and spent money on the issue, to attack the so-called  Hadhrami Upraising’s checking points in Al-Khasha and Al-Rudud areas, according to the STC.


The STC praised the popular movements against Tariq Afash in Shabwah and his outcast projects in the southern provinces.