YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of students rally in Sanaa to denounce economic siege

SANAA, March 09 (YPA) – Dozens of school students organized a protest rally on Wednesday in Al-Hima Al-Dakhiliyah district of Sanaa to condemn the crimes and economic siege imposed by the Saudi-led coalition on the Yemeni people.

In the rally, the participants raised banners expressing their rejection and denunciation of the policy of oppression and prejudice to which the Yemeni people are exposed under the international silence in preventing entry of fuel, medicine and food.

They emphasized that the coalition states deliberately detained oil ships with the goal of starving the Yemeni people and trying to subdue it, noting that the silence of the international community encourages the forces of coalition to multiply the suffering of Yemenis.

The students called on the United Nations and the international community to hold their responsibilities to stop the acts of piracy practiced by the countries of the coalition against the oil ships.