YEMEN Press Agency

Moscow: Our fears of developing biological weapons confirmed by U.S. documents

SANAA, March 09 (YPA) – The Russian Foreign Ministry said recently documents discovered on a biological weapons program for military purposes related to the United States in Ukraine has confirmed Russia’s concerns.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said at a news conference on Wednesday, what Moscow announced about biological laboratories in Ukraine near the Russian border was also confirmed in a speech by Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, who acknowledged the existence of “biological research facilities.”

Zakharova added that Moscow has had fears and concerns regarding the development of biological materials for military purposes by the United States on the territory of Ukraine under the auspices of the US intelligence service.

She also announced that Russian forces had taken control of a number of nuclear facilities in Ukraine to prevent provocations, noting that Moscow was aware of the possibility of attacks at nuclear sites in Ukraine to cause chaos and accuse Russia.

Zakharova accused the regime in Kyiv of committing war crimes against civilians, and said that officials in some Ukrainian cities had threatened to kill civilians heading to Russia.