YEMEN Press Agency

112 women killed, injured due to blast of cluster bombs dropped by coalition on Yemen

SANAA, March 9 (YPA) – The Executive Center for Mine Action monitored the death and injury of 112 women during the period 2015-2021 as a result of cluster bombs dropped by the Saudi-led coalition aircraft on Yemen.

The center confirmed, in a report, the death of 36 women and the injury of 76, as a result of those bombs.

This statistic comes at a time when the countries of the world celebrate International Women’s Day, while women in Yemen are exposed daily to all kinds of violations by the coalition through the dropping of internationally prohibited bombs on several provinces in light of the dubious silence of the international community.

The Executive Center called on the international community, the United Nations, and humanitarian organizations to stop the violations and crimes committed by the coalition against Yemeni women.