YEMEN Press Agency

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei condemns western hypocrisy regarding Yemen

TEHRAN, March 01 (YPA) – Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has condemned the fact that “Westerners support killing the Yemeni people but they call for an end to the Ukraine crisis.”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made his remarks in a speech on the anniversary of Eid Mab’ath on Tuesday.

Pointing to the West’s double standards in dealing with the crisis in Ukraine, he said the Western countries support the killing of Yemenis but act up when it comes to Ukraine.

The Leader noted that both the Ukrainian president and the former president of Afghanistan under US occupation have acknowledged that the US has abandoned them.

He further added that “Western society uses science and knowledge to slaughter people and plunder other nations.”

He said that “Western civilisation today is suffering from modern ignorance.”

Ayatollah Khamenei went on to say that the “Mafia regime in the US feels the need to create crises globally and in West Asia in particular.”

Pointing to the history of Islam, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that Prophet Muhammad managed to unite people after they embraced Islam as their religion.