YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Ajri: The Security Council and UN sell positions to those who pay

SANAA, March 01 (YPA) – Abdul-Malik al-Ajri, member of the national negotiation delegation of Yemen has said that “the decision to ban weapons contradicts the UN Envoy’s claim of launching peace processes and dialogue in Yemen.”

Al-Ajri stressed that “these resolutions prove that the Security Council and the UN bodies are nothing more than companies to serve the US and Western interests.”

“The United Nations has this decision that is obstructing the peace process and is throwing peace efforts into the wind,” he said.

“The Security Council and the United Nations sell their positions to those who pay, and they do not care about either peace nor global security.”

“The humanitarian file in Yemen is in a catastrophic situation,  both before and after this decision,” he said.

“For decades and through hundreds of crimes, Arab and Muslim children have been killed, and we have not seen any honourable position taken by any” human rights organisations.””

“The Western and ugly face of the UN bodies are appearing in the events in Russia and Ukraine,” he elaborated.

He pointed out that “the globe suffers from the terrorism of America, France and Britain, as they are the countries that practiced most of the torture against humanity since the 19th century.”