YEMEN Press Agency

“Tariq Saleh” forces receive most important Shabwa camps

SANAA, Feb. 15 (YPA) – Forces belonging to “Tariq Saleh” backed by UAE have received one of the most important camps in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Activists on social media circulated information that Tariq Saleh forces received the Al-Alam camp in Jardan district, north of Ataq city, the capital of Shabwa, for the purpose of training and sending armed men towards Harib and Jouba fronts in Marib.

This came after militants of Saudi-backed Islah’s “21st Mecha Brigade” had been expelled at the end of last December, as well as “Shabwa Defense Force” took control of the camp, appointed Awad Al-Awlaki, as governor of Shabwa by the UAE forces.

Islah militants controlled over the Al-Alam camp after imposing a suffocating siege on the “Shabwani Elite” militia funded by UAE and its withdrawal to the Al-Talh camp, after the Emirati officers left the camp last October.

Last month, the UAE expelled thousands of members of the “Shabwa Elite” and replaced them with the so-called “Shabwa Defense” forces that brought in from the western coast.