YEMEN Press Agency

Sabiha tribes block coastal road in Lahj

LAHJ, Feb. 02 (YPA) – Al-Sabiha tribes in Lahj province, have blocked the coastal road linking the west coast with the southern Yemeni city of Aden on Wednesday.

Informed tribal sources confirmed that the Al-Sabiha tribesmen on military pickup vehicles created checkpoints in the Sabra al-Fayoush area and abducted a number of tribesmen from Yafaa in connection with the kidnapping of deputy director of criminal investigation  department  in the directorate of Tuban, whose a member of Al-Sabiha tribe, by the UAE-backed Southern Transnational Council (STC)’s militia.

The sources explained that the al-Sabiha militants kidnapped a number of recruits in the UAE-funded “Al-Amaliqa Brigades” led by Abdul Rahman al-Muharabi al-Yafei “Abu Zara” as they were passing through Lahj-Aden coastalline.

The sources said the situation is likely to explode between tribal militants and  the UAE-backed militias west of Lahj province.