YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli occupation forces arrest 18 Palestinians in West Bank

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Jan. 31 (YPA) -Israeli occupation forces launched a large-scale arrest campaign in the West Bank early Monday, Palestine media reported.

According to the Palestinian sources, the occupying forces arrested eight citizens from their homes in Jericho governorate.

The occupying forces also arrested five young men as they stormed various areas of Ramallah province in the central west Bank.

The occupying forces raided the Jalazone camp north of Ramallah and arrested a paramedic after raiding his home, as well as a young man from his home.

The camp witnessed a  massive deployment of infantry soldiers in the alleys of the camp.

In the same vein, the occupation forces arrested three young men during their incursion into the Shaqba village, west of the city, after storming their homes and transporting them to an unknown destination.

The occupation forces also arrested two young men from Jenin, one from Hebron and one from Al-Quds.